These QAnon loons are even further gone than we thought

When hate is allowed to fester unchecked, it can grow. Hate may start slowly, but as it blooms and the wickedness becomes more pervasive, it can soon turn out of control, resulting in disaster. That is just what Mike Rothschild is afraid of.
Rothschild is an expert on conspiracies. And he issued a dire warning this week. What Rothschild is afraid of is that the hate of groups like QAnon is currently blooming. And he fears it will lead to tragedy.
“I’m going to keep saying it,” said Rothschild soberly. “The grooming panic is quickly heading either toward a vulnerable young person taking their own life, or someone being murdered.”
Listen to Rothschild. He knows what he’s talking about. “It’s coming,” he continued. Rothschild further elaborated on his fears, speaking about Fox non-news and their hateful conspiracy propaganda.
:You cannot go on Fox and say they’re going to get people killed.”
“So, instead,” Rothschild explains, “they’re going on television to claim we’re trying to save children, and if someone’s trying to save children happens to kill someone trying to hurt children, then is it wrong?”
I agree with every word this man says, and I applaud him for saying it. This is an SOS. If we don’t address this ongoing problem of American indoctrination, I, too, fear it could lead to more tragedy than we have seen.
Remember pizza-gate. Remember Heather Heyer. Remember, of course, and do not ever forget January 6. Hate is a volcano. It starts slowly. But once it’s completely unfiltered — once it gathers itself and launches its deadly explosion — there can be no turning back. Please tell everyone to vote this November.