The Trump-Rudy house of cards has collapsed

Not only did Rudy Giuliani go on CNN tonight and confess to having planted pro-Trump conspiracy theory documents in the State Department, he confessed that other unspecified people helped him plant it. Then he got mad on-air because Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had promised him the fake documents would be treated as if they were real – and that’s just what Rudy has screwed up for his client Donald Trump in the past hour.
It’s tempting to suggest that Donald Trump has chosen the worst legal representation possible in the form of his criminal defense attorney Rudy Giuliani. But when you consider the kind of blatant idiocy that Trump himself put on display today, you have to wonder if perhaps Rudy is indeed a perfectly fatally flawed fit for him.
Donald Trump spent the day tweeting curse words in all capital letters, going berserk about alligators, misspelling “moat” in the process. He then ranted to the TV cameras about how Congressman Adam Schiff isn’t fit to hold Mike Pompeo’s jock strap, while Trump was standing next to the befuddled President of Finland. Then tonight Trump tweeted a Nickelback video and claimed it was evidence that Joe Biden is guilty. We’re not kidding.
There’s no secret plan here. There’s no four dimensional chess. There’s just a stunted buffoon and his raving lunatic lawyer, trying to race each other to see who can stupidly deliver the fatal blow to this presidency the fastest. Thanks to the nature of our Constitution, it takes a lot of idiocy on a president’s part for him to be forced from office before the end of his term. Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani are rapidly finding a way to breach that threshold.