These Mark Meadows allegations against Donald Trump are just UGLY

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Mark Meadows, former Chief of Staff to Donald Trump, has a new book coming out. And some disturbing new allegations against Trump are surfacing. Per the Guardian, Meadows admits that Trump tested positive for Covid BEFORE his debate with Joe Biden. He tested positive but, of course, said nothing — because why would a little thing like putting the lives of others in jeopardy stop Trump from debating?

Not that what he did could reasonably be called “debating” anyway. Trump also met with military families during this time — possibly exposing them to his germs as well Reportedly as Trump was on his way to a rally, his Doctor called — and asked that his aides stop Trump from leaving. “Stop the President from leaving,” a frantic Sean Conley said. They didn’t.

What they did do is retest — and this time, the results were negative. This, however, did not stop his aides from taking precautions — although they apparently did not seem to care much about others taking precautions — because they did not inform the public about any of this.

It is just now surfacing in this wretched book I’ve no intention of ever reading. We should not really be surprised. Trump has literally no regard for human life. Who knows — maybe he wanted President Biden to come down with Covid.

At this point, the sins of Trump are many, and now we can add this one to the endless list. It is unbelievable thinking about it that we had such a schmuck as our president for four dreadful years. It is also unbelievable that too many Republicans to count continue to worship at the shrine of a creature who does not give a damn about any one of them.

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