These MAGA loons are even further gone than we thought

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

The sharks are circling, and they’re not happy. They’re pretty pissed — at America. I speak of the Maga sharks. Many of them took part in a new poll put – about America. And the results show the shark’s teeth are out and in a devouring mood — a mood of secession.

That’s right. Maga wants the red states to secede. And they appear to like this idea A LOT. According to Yahoo News/You/Gov, 33% of Red-state Maga voters say they would be better off if their state were to secede from the United States.

The poll surveyed 1,672 adults and was conducted from July 8 to 11. That shows how out of step Maga is with the general public. Overall, the American public does NOT want their state to secede — only about 17% like this idea.

This honestly shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Think about Maga. Do they ever seem happy about ANYTHING? Look — sadly, Maga has had some victories. The Extreme court is a good example. But Maga never seems to appreciate their victories. On the contrary, their scowls get worse; it appears with every success they rack up.

So what gives? I believe Maga exists in a perpetual state of rage. They can’t be happy. The average Maga is not walking down the street with a smile on their face, thinking how great it is that Roe was overturned.

No — the average Maga is likely walking down the street, muttering about Mexican caravans, the deep state, or whatever brain noise Fox has TOLD them to rage at. They’re no more capable of being happy than Donald Trump is of thinking of other people before himself.

I feel if anyone should secede, it’s Maga. How lovely it would be if they all just pivoted and left the country. After all — they’re never happy, they hate everything that isn’t them, and they certainly don’t seem to WANT to be here. So, in fact, their leaving would be a win-win for all of us.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer