These MAGA loons are even further gone than we thought

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Well, folks, there we have it! Finally, after so many years, Maga has told us what Donald Trump would have to do for them to abandon their cult leader eventually. At least a few Maga have.

This came about because Ben Jacobs, a journalist for Slate, asked Maga this question in Iowa. What would it take? “It would have to be a video of Trump punting a baby for him not to be my guy.” This remarkably insane statement comes from Trump supporter Ashley Long. All right then.

Moving on, we have Trump supporter Chris Seedorf. He said that he would happily “take a bullet” for Trump. I have used that expression, friends and readers. I have used it for friends and family — not for a cult leader.

Seedorf ALSO said that he is positive — simply positive — that Donald John Trump would do the same for him. “He’d do it too for everyone else.” The brainwashing has been very effective.

Then there’s Pam Byhness. She explained how much she deeply admires Donald Trump. “He is truly a patriot” she said. I watch these people with a sense of unreality. It really does not seem real that ANYONE could still support the man after the misery he has given America.

And yet, we know some still do. And like most cult members, their support for their leader will continue. For these people, hope springs eternal. Their hopes are that they will be vindicated – that once more, a new day will dawn, and Donald Trump will be the president. They hope to be validated, seeing the world through the prism of their adoration for the man who has ruined them.

Their hope is for naught. They have entered, and dwell in, a fantasy world. In this world, they are LOVED. They’re loved by their fantasy leader, one whom they imagine to care deeply for them and this country.

They have deluded themselves. It’s perhaps the biggest, saddest, most pathetic delusion of all, but here it will remain for the foreseeable future. Hope will spring eternal in their blinded minds.

And perhaps after all, these people are far more happy wrapped in a cocoon of a dream, rather than opening their eyes and seeing the horror of the true nightmare their realities actually are.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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