There’s something wrong with Lindsey Graham

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

These days, watching political news is akin to watching the secret ingredient guaranteed to make Republicans lose their minds, the “special sauce,” if you will. Have you not noticed it? Lately, more Republicans are going nuts on live TV than ever before. It is a contagion — a GOP contagion.

Anyway, the latest victim of this incredibly fast-moving disease is Lindsey Graham. This is not that surprising. What WAS surprising was just how deep, how utterly insane Graham’s freak-out really was. I am confident, just as I know there are seven days in one week, that many people watching Meet The Press on Sunday must have caught their breath in horror, perhaps wondering if the rubber room was indeed necessary.

Graham was speaking about Israel when he called for – wait for it — Gaza to be bombed. That’s right — bombed, destroyed like Hiroshima. Are you listening, Michigan uncommitted” voters? Biden is turning the tide on the situation with Israel. Graham, on the other hand, may have just made the GOP’s position even worse.

This is because anyone with brains knows that Donald Trump does not give two or even one shit about Gaza. They do not exist for him. Graham, a panting puppy who nips at Trump’s heels, careful not to bite the hand that feeds him, wags his tail and agrees with anything Donald Trump says or does.

So yes, Graham DID invoke Hiroshima. That will not go over well with Michigan voters, I am sure. Have you noticed how Lindsey Graham sabotages his own party? He does it all the time.He is a saboteur. I’ve been playing with the idea for this article for a while because I’ve noticed it.

Graham is wholly incapable of shutting up when he should. Remember how he called for a national abortion ban when EVERYONE was whispering for the puppy to stop barking? So perhaps there is a passive-aggressive side to Lindsey Graham. It would not surprise me. I suppose we should thank him for it this time because he did expose the GOP’s position, which most people disagree with.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: