There’s something wrong with GOP Senator John Kennedy

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Republicans are like sharks, in a way. One could be out on the water in a little boat enjoying a peaceful day, allowing the warm breezes to wash over one, and here come the sharks trying to topple the boat over and screw up your day.

They do it all the time. And they’ve attempted to do it this weekend — or at least Senator John Kennedy has. John Kennedy is worse than any shark. He is one of those senators who really missed his calling as an actor. I could see Senator Kennedy being cast as that movie character — the one with the creepy smile, lurking in basement homes of terrified kids just waiting to pounce and steal their joy — and retirement.

That is what he would like to do. Kennedy infuriated many a sane person over the weekend by explaining that, in his opinion, sixty-two is far, far too young to retire. Kennedy said this to the republican state propaganda network fox. He thinks people are taking retirement for granted. And given that life expectancy has gone up, Kennedy says so should our retirement AGE go up.

“Does it really makes sense to allow someone who’s in their 20’s today to retire at 62?” he asked. Apparently not in Kennedy’s mind. He seems to think the retirement age should be raised, begging the question of just what planet is senator Kennedy living on anyway?

It seems now that not one day can go by without a really stupid republican making a really stupid comment about something they have no business talking about. Republican stupidity is becoming the norm. Who would have thunk it?

Kennedy did not give a specific age for retirement. Perhaps he could huddle with Nikki Haley on that one. The fact is if the GOP keeps this up, they’ll alienate one of the few voting blocs they still have –older men. At this point, they really can’t afford to lose any more voters.

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