There’s something hinky about this

Have you ever heard the term “hinky?” Hinky is often used by detectives, in books and movies and in reality. Hinky means: “Dishonest or suspect.” And it can also mean – something is not quite right.
For detectives, who seek to solve a crime, they often find something about a suspect or a situation “hinky.” And right now, I’d say we have a hinky storm raining down upon us. It is the case of the missing texts. Where are they? Such an easy question to ask — such interesting answers will surely follow once we get to the bottom of this — and make no mistake — we will.
What is going on? What HAS gone on? Something stinks. Something is hinky. First, it was the Secret Service. Did ANYBODY believe them that the missing texts were an innocuous event? And now this. Two top homeland security officials — the top dogs there, the upper echelon — are also missing texts. Fool me once, shame on you but fool me twice…
Just what was on those texts? What was so terrible that they would be deleted? As I wrote once before, I do not believe in coincidences. I especially do not believe in them where anybody in close association with Donald Trump is concerned.
Several people raised a fascinating and eerie question — if these people would rather look as bad as they look by deleting the texts — something awful must have been on them. Something hinky. Something that they did not want we, the people, to know.
Ever had that feeling that a dam was about to break? Ever had a thought that refused to leave your head — there is so much more to this than meets the eye? Well, that is what we have here. It is strange, it is eerie, and it’s hinky. And right now, this story is shaping up to explode.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report