There’s only one way out of this deep dark hole

Fanatics have finally gotten hold of our country in a smart and deliberate way that began decades ago. Peaceful protests are perfectly lawful, but what’s going to give America back its freedoms is going to take longer than a night or two of vocal united rage. The Republican Party has got to be defeated in every election going forward until the end of time. They have to be voted out of existence.

It’s hard remaining patient when we’ve been screaming about this slo-mo car crash we’ve seen coming all along, but now is the time to dig in. Pelosi and Biden will not let this stand, nor will the majority of Americans. The rage over gun control and abortion must be translated to the voting booth. It’s the only way around this insanity that has gripped our country. We can legitimately claim that this is a full-on war on women, but make no mistake, this will be reaching deep into the privacy of all aspects our lives no matter who we are.

Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett lied under oath when they proclaimed Roe v. Wade was settled law. The law is now not based on precedent but on whatever the white, male and powerful want it to be. The solution now to dealing with the Republican Party which has gleefully broken all norms of decency, democracy and fairness is to fight back at the state level, at the voting booth, and with our pocketbooks. The majority of this country wants the protections in Roe v. Wade. It’s time we fight like the Republicans have and forge a country that reflects us and not the minority of white talibangelists.

Thanks for your suport! We need to raise $1960 THIS WEEK to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate what you can.