There is something wrong with Tim Scott

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What is a metaphor for something that’s dishonest, cruel, and wouldn’t know the truth if it knocked on the door? The answer is Tim Scott.

Tim Scott,(Republican, not going to win the presidential race), is making a bloody fool of himself as he wildly and unceremoniously tries to blame all the world’s problems on President Biden.

Now Tim Scott is not the only Republican to do something like this. I chose to write about Scott for a few reasons.

Number one, he’s become so desperate that his accusations literally have become a babel of inconsequential rantings and ravings, making him appear not mentally sound, and secondly to show what the cult can do to people.

It does not take a rocket scientist to know that Tim Scott is doing this because he’s trying to get Maga votes. Believe me, if Donald Trump was not a part of the Republican shit-show, Scott would not be acting like this.

See, the Republicans have no platform. You know this, but because they have not one new idea, they don’t know how to present themselves to the American people. You’ve seen it in the incredibly embarrassing failures of literally all of the Republican candidates for president.

Not one policy idea has come from any of them. The only thing they’ve succeeded in doing so far is boring the American people to death when we’re not laughing at them hysterically.

Tim Scott in the past was long known for his ability to work across the aisle. But apparently, Scott has drunk the Kool-Aid to such an unquenchable degree that he has done a metamorphosis literally overnight into a sullen, angry, hateful Maga — funny how that happens.

If one were to look at Tim Scott’s Twitter account, and I have had the displeasure, one would see the rantings of a lunatic. His words are indistinguishable from any maga you might see hanging out at the local mall.

But I think what’s worse for him is the way he is pitifully and pathetically using Israel to try to pander shamelessly for votes. I understand his desperation. He’s barely registering in the polls, but desperation breeds contempt, Tim, if you haven’t already learned that lesson.

Tim’s words will not net him a single vote. It is tragic in today’s world that we have people in elected office like Scott and, honestly, like ANY of the Republicans running for president. It seems that for the GOP, they long ago traded competence for rage in their candidates.

And that will work to their detriment as we continue to win race after race, election after election.

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