There is something wrong with Lindsey Graham

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

In another article for Palmer Report, I remarked on how Lindsey Graham makes me think of the song “Mr. Cellophane” from the musical “Chicago.” Of course, in Chicago, the character who sang the song never did suggest that Roxy Hart “smash some windows, rob a few shops and punch a cop.” Lindsey, on the other hand, just did.

This happened on twitter when Graham was grieving the loss of his friend Donald’s existence as an unindicted person. And then, yes, he tweeted those words, presumably sarcastically and seemingly referring to protests. “He would be released IMMEDIATELY,” Graham went on.

Unlike other republicans, whom I suspect are feeling (secretly) rather joyous right now, I also suspect Lindsey is serious in his passionate defense of Trump.

And though those words above were tweeted likely jokingly, they still should never have been tweeted AT ALL. Shame on Lindsey for doing so.

It seems Lindsey Graham has caught his friend Donald’s disease of thinking he’s invincible. This is NOT the time, Lindsey! Right now, police are vigilant in guarding against any violence. Yes, Maga’s numbers are down, but all it takes is one crazy.

And here’s Lindsey Graham tweeting out crap like this. The man really has lost his marbles. I have an analytical brain and like to problem-solve and analyze. But honestly, I have NO idea why Lindsey Graham has chosen to throw away all respectability in the name of trump.

I know many think he’s a victim of blackmail, but I respectfully disagree. Lindsey seems emotionally distraught. There is no fear on his part, no reluctance. He’s all in for trump, and he’s not above using trump’s own tactics. And it’s despicable.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report