“The weird creep at the nursing home”

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We’ve all seen them. They’re the ones we try our best to avoid, the ones who are always alone, often seen muttering to themselves about how the world is an awful place that hates them. Where can these creeps be found? Let’s see. Often at the end of a bar, sitting with nobody next to them, rambling about how all the woes of the world have found them.

Often these weirdos show up at parties, where all party-goers, tight smiles on their faces, nimbly sidestep having anything to do with the particular creep muttering about how all the world is out to get them.

Then there’s “the weird creep at the nursing home.” This term was coined by Salon’s Amanda Marcotte, who wrote an article talking about Donald Trump’s “incoherence and rambling.”

“It’s getting harder by the day to ignore that 77-year-old Donald trump is decompensating rapidly.”

Ya think? We here at Palmer Report were among the first to report on Donald Trump’s “decompensating.” If some people have “evil twins”, Trump seems to have a significantly mentally confused twin who surfaces at odd moments to wreck whatever campaign event the orange one is doing.

“Lately, watching him speak has the feel of being cornered by the weird creep at the nursing home.” I agree! The fact is, many people are noticing Trump’s oddness. To quote beloved writer Edgar Allan Poe, Trump has become “The Angel of the Odd.”

Nobody knows, of course, what this human oddity will do and say next. He seems to like to surprise us in that regard. But the point is that this oddity is bound to be a major factor in the 2024 election, and though Republicans can run from it, they certainly cannot hide.

“Grandpa needs a nap.” I agree. At this point, Trump really should be getting advice on how to acclimate to prison, what the food will be like, what his visitor’s will look like, and other similar topics.

Instead, Trump seems content to ramble about how Obama is still President, people “type the lights out,” and figuring out how to pronounce words like Evangelical. He’s an oddity, alright, and it’s really time for EVERYONE to acknowledge that.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.