The walls are caving in on Donald Trump

The contentious debate between Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is still some of the top news and will likely remain that way for some time. While everyone from members of the media to body language experts are still trying to come to terms with what happened Tuesday night, Trump has returned to his favorite subject: Donald Trump. He held up stimulus checks to many needy Americans so that his name could be included on the checks. According to NPR, part of the breakdown in his negotiations with drug manufacturers was his insistence on a $100 drug card for seniors that included his name. Now, he is using the Agriculture Department to taint food to millions of needy Americans by insisting that a letter from him be included in every box.
The USDA’s program, Farmers to Families Food Box, has distributed over 100 million boxes since May to families in need. Organizers are appalled by Trump’s actions, which they see as a ploy to get votes. Some are so appalled they have refused to distribute boxes while others are opening the boxes and removing the letters before distribution. They would not have to make such choices had Trump not stuck his nose into someplace it does not belong. You can read the letter and make your own assessment. While Trump’s administration claims this is not the political ploy that it is obviously is, executive director of the Ohio Association of Food Banks Lisa Hamler-Fugitt said, “In my 30 years of doing this work, I’ve never seen something this egregious.” According to Fox News, this insult is the brainchild of Trump’s “adviser” Ivanka. This grifter family will stop at nothing to continue Trump’s con against the American public. These people have no right to be “marketing” Donald Trump to hungry people when he is at the root of their plight through his nonaction. It is insidious, distasteful, and plain tacky.
If Trump cared so much about the American people, why is it that he not one time looked into the camera Tuesday night? Bill McGowan, founder of the Clarity Media Group, in his op-ed for CNN wrote: “Over the course of the chaotic 90 minutes, Trump looked the American people in the eye (by looking straight into the camera), a grand total of zero times.” This slight, according to McGowan, confirms Trump’s image as someone who “cares only about himself and lacks empathy.” That pretty much sizes up Donald Trump. He possesses no empathy or care for any of us, and he added an exclamation point with his battle cry to the proud boys. Trump’s behavior at the debate solidified the view of Biden as “good guy” and Trump as a bully.
The choice is yours. Do you want another four years of a bully who is trying to incite violence if he is not reelected or do you want a decent man who wants to try to pick up the pieces left by that very bully? No, he will not be perfect; he is human. He will not do everything that pleases everyone, but he certainly will do no further harm.

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years