The usual suspects

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You perhaps have been reading about many of the antics of a strange group of mentally unwell individuals lately. Those people are the crazy wing of the Republican party. These are the most insane, most bizarre, and the most crooked of all. They’re the usual suspects of the GOP.

And most of them you’re acquainted with. And that’s good because these people are going to help us win in 2024. Remember Palmer Report saying we must make the loonies the face of the GOP. That does seem to be happening these days. And that’s good because the majority of the American people can’t stand them.

And they recognize them for being the crazies that they are. So who do I refer to? Well – let’s play clue. “Twitter shadow-banned millions of conservatives, including myself! They must be held accountable!” Who might that be? That, my friends, is the usual suspect Lauren Boebert — on Twitter — with some ratios. (tweets laughing at her.)

“Religious persecution! DEFUND THE FBI!” Ah yes, dear readers, who might that be? Think about it. Attach a strident voice and shaggy coat to the tweet in question. Usual suspect Marjorie Taylor Greene on Twitter acting psycho.

“More Biden balloon deceptions.” ho could that be? I’ll give you a hint. He’s unpleasant, uncool, and loves Cancun. Usual suspect Ted Cruz on Twitter, perhaps with some mariachi music. “I sure hope the chickens and cows don’t try to eat us.” Bonus from usual suspect Ted Cruz.

“This was a deliberate attempt by Twitter and the FBI to suppress a story that could change a presidential election.” Who? Who IS that nasty little boy? He’s from Missouri and often offers a raised fist, particularly to insurrectionists. That is usually suspect Josh Hawley on Twitter; maybe running like hell?

And as usual, the best suspect is always last. “SOTU category is GAS LIGHTING!” Shocking! Simply shocking. WHO could have said that? The usual suspect is GEORGE SANTOS — on Twitter — with stupidity.

Yes, readers, these are the deliciously moronic usual suspects of the Republican party. Tying all the republicans to faces like these will help us in our quest to win. And Republicans are being quite generous in their help in that regard, yes?

Every day, they help us by parading this loathsome band of usual suspects before the American people’s disbelieving eyes. So let’s thank these usual losers, this insane pack of do-nothings. Let’s thank them because they’re going to help us win the elections in 2024.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we're in this together. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research, and we need to become a reader supported site. You can help Palmer Report succeed by donating just $5!