The unrelenting tyranny of Greg Abbott
When darkness falls outside, it can often kick up the survival instincts of our friends in the great outdoors. That’s when survival of the fittest comes into play for many of them.
With rustling leaves, whistling winds, and an unknown plethora of enemies silently waiting, making it through the night, can often spell disaster. That’s why animals — many of them – are quick to run if they smell danger.
It’s like that for humans too. Only for some of us, danger often does not make itself known in such direct ways.
Danger can sometimes come in the terrifying form in the faces of those which are supposed to be our friends. And on Christmas Eve, in what should have been one of the brightest and most festive times, danger came for the migrants of Texas.
It came in the form of a tyrant — a smiling face that should have been their friend. Only he wasn’t. Texas Governor Greg Abbott was their worst enemy.
On Christmas Eve, dozens of cold and bewildered migrants were bussed into D.C. to the home of VP Kamala Harris. Three busloads of migrants were delivered there. The temperatures were well below freezing. It was frigid out and dangerously cold — but he didn’t care.
Can one imagine how those bewildered migrants felt? I imagine they felt very much like hunted animals — only they could not flee from their danger.
“Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road in below-freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any federal or local authorities,” White House assistant press secretary Abdullah Hassan said.
Freezing temperatures outside. Freezing cold inside the soul of the Texas governor.
That is not all. The U.S. Department of Energy said on Friday that an “emergency” exists in Texas. This is because Abbott never fixed the power grid. And now there is a shortage of electric energy.
We tried so hard to warn Texas. Although many of you might write Texas off, I cannot do that. Why? Because EVERY state has some good Democrats in them. And I know of people — good people in Texas who worked their tails off trying to see to it that Abbott did not win.
It is a shame that he did. It is a tragedy. Greg Abbott is a sadist, a sociopath, and an all-around bad person. And we must keep his crimes in the national spotlight — for the sake of those that do not have the power to run when danger appears.
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