The unraveling Trump cult

Sometimes when I’m watching pundits on television, I just have to shake my head. Here is why. “Trump cannot change!” Some pundits cry this out like they’re just figuring that out. “What is wrong with this man?”Some exclaim these words with carefully exaggerated surprise. “It does seem like a cult, doesn’t it?”
Some say this with flashes of Susan Collins-like furrowed brows like we have not known this since the beginning. I do wish that the Trump situation had been handled differently by many pundits.
Some of us have known from the beginning that something was very wrong with Trump. I think it’s pretty obvious — to us anyway. But many of the pundits and personalities play this kind of game which I am convinced many if not most of them know are false.
These people engage in a long and confusing dance of normalcy — pretending that change from Trump was just around the block — as if someone like Trump could ever be normal. Now I don’t know if any of these pundits have ever looked up a diagnosis of sociopathy or narcissistic personality or the dark triad.
Had they done so, they might perhaps have seen that Trump meets much of the criteria for all of these disorders.
These types of individuals can’t change. Personality disorders are too deeply ingrained. A sociopath cannot suddenly develop empathy. One cannot shake off the day diagnosis of a narcissist.
With the proper medication and/or therapy, someone can learn to live with their diagnosis, but they don’t just disappear and go away, and it’s foolish to think that they do.
And yet still, we hear it from the media and many politicians. They miss the whole point. People like this don’t believe they NEED to change or learn anything. They think they are the smartest person on the planet. The smartest person on the planet, in their distorted minds, doesn’t need to learn. The smartest person on the planet is there to teach others.
These people’s arrogance are through the roof, and they would never, in all their dark and flailing thoughts, look at themselves in rational ways. It isn’t possible for them to do that — because they’re irrational. The bottom line is that the insurrectionist is disturbed and cannot get better. Better is beyond him. I just wish more would admit that.