The Trump shooting coverup

Suffice it to say that if Donald Trump and his band of inept idiots did try to stage something like this shooting, then they surely did it in such a sloppy way that it’ll all come before long. Accordingly, I’m not interested in any conspiracy theories about the shooting being staged and such. There’s no point in going down that road without real evidence, and thus far there isn’t any. So let’s presume that this shooting is what it purports to be. That said, there is a scandal and a coverup here – about Trump’s condition.
A major party nominee for President of the United States was shot at five days ago in an assassination attempt, and Trump’s campaign still hasn’t released a medical report or even a statement about his condition. Trump and his people still haven’t bothered to confirm whether he was shot or whether he was cut by glass; media reports are still conflicting about this. Because we’ve been given no information about Trump’s injury, we have no idea if this was a superficial wound or perhaps something that entered his brain.
It’s been five full days and all we have is Trump lumbering into the Republican National Convention with a ridiculously oversized bandage on his head, looking more feeble and frail than ever, and then proceeding to fall asleep in his chair.
At this point it’s fair to say that the Trump campaign is actively covering up whatever happened to Trump – to the point that it’s now a scandal. And the only reason the Trump campaign has been able to get away with this coverup is that the media has been letting the Trump campaign get away with it.
Seriously, when is anyone in the media going to start asking about what Trump’s injuries actually were? When is anyone in the media going to start asking why the Trump campaign is refusing to talk about his injuries? When is anyone in the media going to ask why Trump needed such a gigantic bandage on his head, and what if anything it was covering up?
The Trump shooting itself was a shameful act of violence that has no place in American politics. Trump was the victim. But in the five days since, Trump and his people have turned this into a scandal and a coverup by refusing to talk about what even happened to him. What really happened to Trump, and why are his people trying to keep it a secret? When is a news outlet larger than Palmer Report going to be willing to ask these kinds of questions?