The tide is turning on this one

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Some new information has come out regarding mandatory Covid vaccinations. Per CNBC, during October, an interesting trend was seen in job listings. The number of these listings seeking mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations in their job qualifications exploded, doubling in scope.

And the number will most likely grow even higher as the Biden administration will likely soon be issuing mandates for larger companies to require the jab. All of this is making MAGA very unhappy. Trump supporters everywhere are actually quitting their jobs, citing “freedom” as the reason why.

“I’m prepared to live in the poorhouse,” said one MAGA. “Better no money than lose my individual rights,” said another. Well, if this is what they want to do, I say — go ahead. Only it isn’t just the Trump voters who are squealing in protest.

A group of GOP Senators led by Indiana’s Mike Braun is moving to nullify the mandate. Only this latest GOP move is almost guaranteed to fail. It would need the support of both the House and the SENATE. And it would need President Biden to sign it into law.

Biden would not do that, so the next step for the GOP would be to overcome the veto. To do that, Republicans would need two-thirds of the Senate AND the House to go along. That will not happen.

And it is a good thing, too, because corporate vaccine mandates are a good thing. These mandates will make the work office a much safer place to be — something that the GOP has reliably shown they do not care much about.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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