The thing everyone is missing about Donald Trump’s collapsing health and worsening senility

Yesterday Donald Trump claimed that Nikki Haley was Speaker of the House, and appeared to suggest that George Conway was the capital of New Hampshire. If none of those words seem to go together, it’s because they don’t. At this point nothing Trump says makes any sense. His brain is failing on every level. If you’ve ever known anyone who’s suffered from dementia, you know that it comes on gradually until it starts accelerating, at which point it quickly goes off a cliff.
But it’s not just Trump’s brain that’s rotting. He now staggers around in public looking like a corpse who doesn’t know he’s dead. He’s got these red sores on his hand that people think is a disease. More tellingly, he’s so far gone cognitively, it’s not even occurring to him that he should have someone put something on his hand sores to cover them up before going out in public.
Donald Trump’s physical health and cognitive abilities are now bottoming out, right before our eyes. We all know where this is going. The only question is how fast it’s going to get there. But at the rate Trump is now declining, what are the odds he’s still going to be able to go around and function outside of an assisted living facility by, say, this summer? Because that’s when the Republican National Convention is, and that’s when the nomination will really be decided.
My point is this: don’t put down all your chips on the notion that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. Yes, he’s likely going to win the most delegates ahead of the convention. And yes, his core base would stick with him even if he did give his convention speech from an assisted living facility. But let’s remember that Trump only got half the Republican primary vote in Iowa. He’ll get no more than half the vote in New Hampshire. The other half of Republican primary voters already want someone else – and that’s at a time when Trump is still able to go around and sort of pretend to be a functioning candidate. What happens when his condition gets even worse in the coming days and months?
If the Republicans really want to go ahead and hand their nomination to a guy who’s not only earmarked for prison but is also likely to be incapacitated and/or deceased soon, then that’s up to them. But let’s keep in mind that at the rate Trump’s cognitive and physical health are collapsing, there’s a possibility that he won’t end up being the nominee. And that’s not necessarily good news. The last thing we need is for the Republicans to sneak someone else into the race who doesn’t get properly vetted first. So even as we prepare to do battle with a collapsing Donald Trump, let’s keep in mind that he may not even make it to the starting gate – and that we could end up having to do battle against someone else instead. It’s just something to keep in mind.