The suspicious money trail leading to Donald Trump’s midterm endorsements

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Whenever something is suspicious in Trumpland, things almost inevitably turn out to be even worse than we’ve been led to believe. Against the wishes of the GOP, we’ve seen the former guy endorse favorite candidate after favorite candidate – usually whoever happens to be ahead at the time of Trump’s endorsement so he can fool people into thinking he’s a kingmaker, but sometimes it’s the most sycophantic Trump fanboy in the race, like Rep. Jody Hice who forfeited his own House seat to run for Secretary of State. Some of his endorsees were even critical of Trump – like JD Vance – before doing everything in his power to win the former guy over.

There might be another reason for why Trump is endorsing candidates as erratically as he has been – and the trail leads back to Herschel Walker who is running for one of the most crucial Senate seats in the midterm election. Looking at his recent campaign filings, Walker has spent nearly $200,000 at Mar-a-Lago since the election cycle began – and two substantial payments of five and six figures at a time.

Similar payments were made by Hice as well as familiar names like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Marjorie Taylor Greene. This is probably a pretty big reveal for why the most detestable candidates are acting the way they are but also obvious that the former guy has found a way to sucker Republicans – something that will continue for as long as he needs to feel relevant.

The good news is we have a solid candidate to get behind for the Georgia senate by re-electing Sen. Raphael Warnock to a full term and giving him this issue to run on. The message is clear: Republican loyalty is blatantly for sale – and Walker will be nothing but a mouthpiece for the former guy. Our party is not and never will be.

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