The Supreme Court’s Trump endgame

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As corrupt and unhinged as this Supreme Court is, it still likes to split its rulings for the sake of appearances. The court likes to issue one reasonable ruling for every two or three bad rulings, in the hope that the media will write headlines about how the court’s decisions are balanced. The success of such a strategy is certainly open to debate. But it’s what the court keeps trying to pull off.

That false perception of “balance” also appears to apply to how John Roberts is placing various rulings on the calendar. For instance on Thursday the court announced a couple of reasonable rulings. Then yesterday, even as the debate was gobbling up most of the headlines and everyone was heading out for the weekend, the court released multiple terrible rulings. It was a deviously clever way of making sure that the court’s worst rulings of this term got lost in the shuffle.

This now leaves us with Monday. It’s a high profile day where everyone is paying attention, and everyone comes into it with a news vacuum from the weekend. Announce something on Monday, and you’re certain to get as much attention as possible. It now looks like the Supreme Court will announce Trump’s immunity ruling on Monday. If this is going to be a corrupt ruling, would they really be doing it on Monday? Wouldn’t they have buried it on Friday with the rest of the corrupt rulings?

I’m not trying to get anyone’s hopes up. I’m just pointing out the familiar pattern that the Supreme Court likes to use as it alternates between good rulings and bad rulings and tries to bury the bad ones. It sure feels like the court is setting the stage for issuing a legitimate ruling in the Trump immunity case on Monday, and using it as cover for all the corrupt things it’s announced over the past two weeks. But this court is insane. So we’ll see.

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