The stakes just got even higher

In 2024, we’ll be vying for much of the same battlegrounds as we did in 2020 – with the winner likely being decided by the candidate who wins three pivotal swing states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
The good news is that those states trended blue in the last midterm election, and we have a considerable degree of talented politicians to act as surrogates in those three states leading up to the election – particularly as both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have senate races on the ballot with solid incumbent Democratic senators up for re-election, alongside President Biden: both Bob Casey and Tammy Baldwin, respectively.
Now, we just got a bit of even better news from the state of Pennsylvania – and it benefits us across the map, as well. Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court threw out a lawsuit this week that would have agreed to abolish Act 77 in the state – and eliminate mail-in voting.
This isn’t just some fringe lunatic like Mike Lindell behind it either – as the ruling had the support of several Republican lawmakers who know that when everyone votes, it’s a whole lot more difficult for them to keep power. That’s why we need to show up in record numbers in 2024 and vote them out at every level.
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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report
James Sullivan is the assistant editor of Brain World Magazine and an advocate of science-based policy making