The sound of silence

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

Some politicians lie. They do this to get votes. They figure out what people are looking for — what their most significant vulnerabilities are – and then these politicians use them against the voters. Donald Trump lies. Donald Trump lies more than any “politician” I have ever seen.

Donald Trump lies recklessly and with Malice aforethought. He feels nothing for those he swindles and does not care about their hopes, fears, and dreams. Vote for me, the carnival barker exclaimed. Vote for me, and I will snap my fingers and presto! All your troubles will go away.

Thick, indecent lies, rivers of lies that gather mud as promises go unfulfilled. The lies of a stranger in a strange land he knows nothing about except how to swindle her people. Donald Trump promised valiantly to BRING DOWN THE COST OF EGGS! Elect me, and you will never have high grocery bills again!

Some people want to believe. Some people sit in their living rooms or kitchens dreaming of a savior to swoop in, just like Superman, and tell them everything will be OK. Some people — far too many — believed Donald John Trump was that person. For them he promised — lower prices. Lower costs of food and drink and everyday items.

The media colluded in the people’s degradation. The great and mighty Trump flying in to make everything right. Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies. Now, Trump is about to take office. Where is he? Where is he on those PROMISES he made?

They — he has vanished. At least that iteration of Trump that people VOTED for has erased himself. Grocery prices will not go down under Trump. Indeed, they will likely go up. Republicans still want to repeal — and not replace — Obamacare.

“Trump has gone dead silent on the issues of working class cost of living issues.” All we hear is the sound of silence. You see, he can’t do it. He is taking office because a few too many believed that he could do it.

Now they will suffer — they will once again “say hello to darkness, their old friend.” It was never going to be what they wanted it to be. He was playing them. They bought into his fake words, his buttering up.

He “love bombed” them, a process not unlike when an abusive man woos a woman.; He heaped compliments on them and made promises he knew he could never keep. Now all that echoes from him is silence. All that will echo for the next four years regarding these promises is silence.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.