“The sky is falling!”

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Hello Palmer Report readers. How are you today? I feel pretty good, considering the world is about to end. What? Of course, the world is not ending anytime soon, to my knowledge. But to listen to the media, one would never ever know that.

Last night, I watched the news. I flicked around and watched this station and that station and another station. You know what I learned? Nothing. I will tell you what I observed:

“Democrats are losing!” That was a nice big headline across my television.

“Democrats can’t sell their message.”

“Joe Manchin wants to leave the Democratic party!”

“Glenn Youngkin will likely win Virginia.”

“Merrick Garland is a very cautious man.” “We don’t know what he will do with the contempt of court referral.”

I exaggerate nothing here. I turned off the television, feeling weak, defeated, and bewildered.

Here is what I WANTED to see:

“Glenn Youngkin, running for Virginia Governor, has been caught lying about his position on abortion. If he wins, he plans on getting rid of a woman’s right to choose in Virginia.”

“Madison Cawthorn has declared that mothers everywhere should raise their sons to be sociopaths.”

“It’s amazing that Bernie Sanders and Joe Manchin SAT DOWN together. This shows the Democrats are coming together.”

This is what I’d have LOVED to see. I saw none of it. And I am worried.

If everyone reading this would email or tweet their favorite pundit — and not just once — multiple times.

Become a tweeter. Let them KNOW what you do and do not want to see. Again not all of them do this. My favorite is still Lawrence O’Donnell, who has a calm and reassuring presence. But what I watched last night wasn’t news. Did ANYTHING I mentioned at the beginning of this article even LOOK like news to you? It was scare tactics. I do not want to be scared when I watch television. I imagine you do not either. I also imagine you do want to hear about the GOOD news that’s out there. Let the media know it. I am. Because the stakes are too high for us to stay silent any longer.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer