The sharks are circling around GOP Senator Ron Johnson

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A lie is like a devious shark, it might slip soundlessly by at first, but when it bares its teeth, all hell often breaks loose. And for Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson, the sharks smell blood. Why do Republicans lie so much? For many in the GOP, their lies travel faster than the speed of light. It’s like an addiction they cannot quell.

And they lie even when there is clear EVIDENCE of said lies. Johnson is an excellent example of this. Johnson appears angry and aggrieved. The reason for Ron’s fury is that President Biden said in his speech about the ACA, that were Republicans to attain power again, they will likely try to repeal it.

Johnson appeared infuriated by this comment — even though he’s talked openly about repealing Obamacare. Calling the media “complicit,” Johnson took to Twitter to implore people not to believe the Democrats. “Why does anyone believe them?’ he thundered, accusing Democrats of lying about him.

Only here is the problem. Johnson actually SAID the repealing of Obama care would be a goal of the GOP.

“For example, if we’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare,” Ron said.

Johnson then went on to explain Republicans needed a new health care plan before they knocked millions of people off of the one we already have. This happened on Breitbart News and was reported on by the Washington Post.

Do you see Ron? Nobody is lying about you. YOU are lying to the American people. Of course, you want to repeal the ACA. You’ve talked about it, sneered about it, and been vocal in your desire for it.

You do see what I mean, friends and readers. A lie is a lie is a lie. Johnson can run, but he can’t hide from his OWN words, and it’s madness for him to think he can.

Healthcare is a human right. But the GOP doesn’t believe that. They would happily decimate healthcare for millions. Let everybody know because this issue is vitally important and dishonest Johnson and his ilk are on the wrong side of the issue — and they’re lying if they say they are not.

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