The saga continues

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Washington Post writer Philip Bump brought together one concise piece that confirms there was never any “voter fraud” in the 2020 election, while touching on Donald Trump’s obsession with the lie that there was. The way in which Bump puts everything together makes quite the compelling story. Interestingly, Trump’s recent interview with Piers Morgan revealed just how obsessed Trump is with the lie.

After quoting Frank Sinatra’s statement that “massive success is the best revenge,” Morgan asked Trump: “Is it your best revenge? Rather than constantly talking about the last election?” Trump immediately (and stupidly) denied that he “talks constantly” about the last election. That is all Donald Trump talks about. Whether on television, being interviewed for an article, or conducting one of his hate rallies, the subject of the 2020 election is always at the forefront because Trump brings it up. He frequently gives speeches at Mar-a-Lago, and every time, the subject of the 2020 election makes an appearance. As Bump pointed out: “It has been incessant in the nearly 540 days since the election occurred.” The truth is that there was no fraud, and even Trump has not been able to present any evidence, so why does he continue to harp on the subject? Because it is all he has left. He uses it to make himself feel better because he does not want to admit that he is a loser.

It didn’t help Trump that he was face-to-face with Morgan either. WaPo reported on his phone interview with Steve Inskeep of NPR, upon whom Trump promptly hung up when he asked about Trump clinging to his fantasy that the election was anything but fair. He didn’t have that luxury with Morgan, though it was widely reported that Trump was sweating like a two-dollar whore on payday and promptly ended the interview and left. The funny thing is that Morgan didn’t even bring up the election; Trump did. Trump claimed that “the press hates to write about it, but that election was rigged, and it was stolen. One hundred percent. I don’t mean a little bit.” He also went on and on about his alleged “proof,” which no one has ever seen because it doesn’t exist. According to WaPo, Trump rests his hat on claims of “ballot harvesting,” which is a ridiculous allegation that people made multiple trips to the ballot boxes on behalf of others. This is yet another fantasy of Trump and the right, and it is something that had no impact on the outcome of the election.

The most disturbing aspect of Trump’s ridiculous claims is that people still believe this nonsense. Perhaps Trump has some sort of subliminal power over these people, and the more he suggests it, the more they believe it; however, these are the same people who claim Trump doesn’t lie, so there’s that. The good news is that the walls are slowly closing in on Donald Trump. If we are ever fortunate enough for him to go away, perhaps we might begin to repair the holes he cut into our country’s fabric.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need $2998 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 now