The rot from within

I once spoke about something in one of my articles. That something was “the rot from within.” The rot from within was first introduced to me by Writer Agatha Christie in one of her books.
It involves the opening of the soul to evil. When one partakes in evil once, it becomes increasingly easy to do it again. As time goes by and the person in question performs more evil, the rot from within starts to build up. In time, it blankets all the goodness entirely.
We have seen the rot from within, readers, have we not? This rot was discussed in detail on MSNBC by former acting solicitor General Neal Katyal. The people being discussed were Utah Senator Mike Lee and Texas Congressman Chip Roy.
As Palmer Report has previously laid out, newly released text messages from them show the rot in vivid detail. And they will have to answer for it. As Katyal put it so superbly, “the rot wasn’t just Donald Trump. It goes to many leaders in the party.”
Katyal also remarked on the clear lack of giving a damn by many Republicans about the events of January 6. I agree with all of this analysis. The texts paint a story. And the American people deserve to know more. We deserve to know it all.
I imagine there is a plethora of information that is in the hands of the January 6 committee that we do not even have any awareness of. This information will all come out in good time, and that is a fact.
It is a fact that must be scaring the heck out of Mike Lee and other Republicans. The truth has a way of always revealing itself, and so it will here. I wonder about these sycophants. I wonder what they are thinking, what they’re feeling. I wonder if it was worth it to them.
I wonder if any of them have the intellectual capacity to understand just how much they have let the American people down. I doubt they do. But perhaps one or two will be reminded. Maybe, one day, years from now, on a late rainy night, one or two will possibly realize what a Dorian Gray they did — and how that led the rot from within.