The Republicans have no idea what to do with this

As the January 6 hearings continue and the piles of evidence against Trump turn into giant mountains of evidence, there is a looming question. What do Republicans think of all of this? Well – that’s hard to say. The reason for that is because lots of Republicans aren’t watching the hearings — or so they claim.
But the reasons they’re coming up with for not watching are utterly hilarious, as you shall see for yourselves. Matt Laslo of Raw Story asked all the GOP Senators if they’re watching any of the hearings. Here are what some of them said.
And in the interest of space, I can’t include all of the responses. But I HAVE included the most hilarious and bizarre. It’s also important to know that only eight Republicans said they’re watching although I suspect that number is, in reality, much higher.
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana — “You know what my schedule looks like, man?”
If only some of them would say that to Fox non-news.
Marsh Blackburn of Tennessee — ” I don’t do hallway interviews.”
Susan Collins of Maine said she’d be on a plane so she could not watch to which Laslo said: “So it’s not a top priority?” Collins then became very concerned: “This is what drives me crazy about the press. Should I cancel my flight home?”
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina — ‘I’ve got better things to do.” Note: The Capitol Police would not be thrilled to hear that.
Josh Hawley of Missouri — said he’s not watching and called the hearings “boring,” proving once again that the fist-pumping friend to insurrectionists really IS that dumb.
Mike Lee of Utah — “we’re late for a vote. Please reach out to…”
Marco Rubio of Florida isn’t watching, but he also showed he is a bit confused about the committee’s schedule. He also showed he’s in need of a math tutor: “Are they still going? I thought it was just that one day. Are there still more of them?” Oh man.
Tim Scott of South Carolina — “not a one.” (Don’t quit your day job to run for President, Tim.)
And the saddest, most painful response? The response that just about sums things up? Rep Greg Pence: Said nothing. Put in an AirPod. Rep. Greg Pence is the brother of former VP Mike Pence, who easily could have been murdered that day, January 6.