The real reason John Roberts did what he just did

One never knows when someone else has reached their boiling point, has had it. What I mean by that is that that someone’s thoughts are often strangers to us, distant strangers, and unknowable to others. Humans were born into life so many centuries ago, but even though we’ve assimilated, at the end of the day, we all walk with cloaks around us, our most private thoughts unknowable.
That is perhaps why so many were stunned when a certain Extreme Court Justice issued a statement — about Donald Trump. Perhaps, for Justice John Roberts, his thoughts had led him to this boiling point.
Perhaps he’d been wanting to do it for a while, or then again, perhaps the thought sprung into his brain out of nowhere, like an evening’s squall passing through the night. Anyway, he did it. John Roberts issued a statement condemning Turmp. I do not believe personally he did it for the reasons many think he did. More on that in a minute.
“For more than two centuries,” Roberts began, “It has been established, that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision.” Ah, you know this is is in response to Trump’s unending skirmishes with Judges, his insane calls to impeach the ones he doesn’t like. Yes, Roberts has reached his boiling point.
But why Why now? I believe I know the answer, although it is only an opinion. No, Mr. John Roberts, did not, this writer believes, wake up one morning and say — Democracy is in danger, or This statement is NEEDED.
Nothing like that. You see, I believe Mr. John Roberts might be a bit shaken and stirred. After all, he knows Trump could so very easily turn his ire on the most extreme of extreme courts — his court. He knows that, and Roberts always thinks first of himself, and his partners in long flowing robes — his partners many of whom went along with Roberts and helped to give Trump all that immunity.
It is simply my opinion. But yes, I believe Mr. John Roberts perhaps has a bit of rueful regret about our traitor of a President, that maybe — just MAYBE, it perhaps dawned on Mr. John Roberts that just like nobody is above the law, nobody is out of reach of Mr. Donald Trump’s temper tantrums as well.