The real danger with Ron DeSantis

One thing I have heard from so many people is that Trump’s becoming President inspired them to become activists. This does not surprise me at all. I, in fact, hear it all the time. And it makes sense. We all thought we were “safe” in a way. We did not count on someone like Trump. And sometimes, it is in the midst of the waves of change that we find our rippling path.
But even though the danger has passed with Trump, we still have others to concentrate on. One of them is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. DeSantis went on a tirade. The reason for his anger? Democrats — many of them — have gotten sick with Covid.
And apparently, DeSantis is upset at Democrats for — being sick. Because this makes a ton of sense. (sarcasm.) Calling Democrats hypocrites, DeSantis said if Democrats thought their “policies really were necessary,” they would be abiding by them.
DeSantis doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Most Democrats are VACCINATED. Many of us still wear masks, even where we do not have to. This does not mean there aren’t breakthrough infections. DeSantis is very ignorant. In fact, it is shocking to me just HOW ignorant he is.
President Biden and Dr. Fauci have spent months — years — educating the public on all things Covid. Yet, people like DeSantis do not even listen. Remember that DeSantis has made fun of Anthony Fauci and sold memorabilia deriding him.
Maybe if he listened and digested the information of brilliant people like Fauci, Biden, and others, he’d know what the heck he was talking about. So let’s all commit to doing as much as humanly possible to get DeSantis out of office.
Ignore the doomsday pundits or other people who say such a thing is impossible. Remember, they ALSO said that about the 2020 Presidential election AND the Georgia special elections. We need so much to do this. And then, when we do, we can smile at the naysayers and say, “told you so.”