The Prince and the Pauper

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This is the story of two men — the Prince and the Pauper. Let’s start with the Prince. He IS a prince — metaphorically speaking. He is President Biden. It’s been quite a week or two for Biden. He gave an incredible State of the Union Speech, his coffers overflowed with cash, he set records, and he is pulling ahead in the polls.

“Joe Biden beats Donald Trump in Three Polls in one Week.” That is the headline from Newsweek. So yes, the week has smiled on President Biden. The wind has been at his back, and the sweet smells of Spring on its way are also signaling good news for Biden — lots and lots of good, fresh, warm, and sunny news.

Now, let us move on to the Pauper. The Pauper is broke, has no money, and is in debt to his eyeballs. He has a $464 million fraud judgment against him. At the time of this writing, he has not been able to obtain the bond needed to pay this huge judgment.

“Start selling off property.” Many on Twitter are helpfully suggesting that this should be done. The Pauperโ€”otherwise known as Donald Trumpโ€”is in a situation he has never been in before. He’s stone. Cold. Broke. Oh, dear.

The raggedy Pauper must find some money and he needs to see it soon. That will be difficult. Just as fate is smiling down on the Prince (Biden), it is also spitting down on the Pauper (Trump).

The Trump team has reportedly approached thirty different companies. They ALL said no. “Countless hours negotiating.” That is what Trump’s team reportedly did. It just didn’t work out. Life is like that sometimes.

Trump cannot pay his bills. Oh, the irony. “Insurmountable difficulties.” Those words come from Pauper’s lawyers, perhaps out of ideas.

“Freeze bank accounts.”

“Seize properties.”

These words come from the mediaโ€”despite not doing its job on so many occasions, they do not seem able to resist THIS story of the Pauper who could not pay his bills. Witness these headlines:

“Trump spurned by 30 companies.”

“Trump unable to get bond.”

“Trump rejected by dozens of pf Bond underwriters.”

“Trump may have assets seized.”

“Practical impossibility to secure bond.”

“Donald Trump scrambles.”

As you can see, it is not good news for the hapless, sour-faced Pauper. What WILL he do? “Cashed out.” There are always the poker tables, although the Pauper would likely not be any good at them.

Perhaps the Pauper will be selling off property. Whatever the Pauper decides to do, it is a great week for the Prince and indeed a bitter shit show of one for the Pauper. Onward and Upward!

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.