The party of Putin

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Speaker Mike Johnson is certainly starting off his speakership with a thud. Before I go on in my descriptions of Johnson’s latest snafu, I must remark on what a strong resemblance, he has to Clark Kent, but in a slick poor man’s Clark Kent way. He is a distorted, meaner version of Clark and the kind of Clark Kent Lex Luthor would have easily defeated.

In any event Johnson’s latest dirty trick is giving just about everybody a headache. He put a bill forward with aid to Israel contingent on cutting IRS funding. But it’s even worse than that. He included no funds whatsoever for Ukraine.

I feel I am justified in saying that this solidifies it. The GOP is officially the party of Putin. I’ve been wanting to write those words for a long time, but I waited. After all, perhaps the GOP would come through! Perhaps they would put forth some money for our beloved friends in Ukraine, who are involved in a war, started by a Russian dictator named Vladimir Putin.

But of course they didn’t. This is because they’re terrified of Maga. However, they’re not that terrified for Ukraine. The consequences of Putin‘s war have already been horrible. We are solidly behind Ukraine but when I say “we,” I’m not necessarily talking about Republicans.

As you might’ve guessed, this did not land well with Democrats, however, even Republicans got into the act, showing their distaste in memorable ways. Mitch McConnell actually repudiated dispatch this ignorant bill as did Susan Collins, who apparently really was concerned this time. I’m sure there will be more that comes from from.

The fact is that anybody with half a brain knows that Ukraine is our friend. Notice I said half a brain. Maga does not have half a brain. Maga does not have a quarter of a brain. Maga is brainless.

And so is any Republican House members who goes along with this gobbledygook. Ukraine needs us now. Ukraine needs us to help them, not hurt them, which is what the Republicans seem to be intent on doing.

What does it say when people like Mitch McConnell and Susan Collins come out against their own party? This is an outrage. I mean it. We should all be outraged at not just the insensitivity but the absolute cruelty, the heedlessness, the pure cowardice that makes up the Republican brand. The only brand they have now is the stench of Putin, all over them, and the brand of eternal cowardice.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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