The news is getting so bad for Donald Trump, he’s now threatening to put Google in prison

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Donald Trump is behind in the polls, behind in fundraising, behind in momentum, and behind in crowd size. He also has worsening political scandals and ongoing legal scandals. It’s basically all bad news for him. And while the media is still trying to normalize Trump to a degree, the headlines these days are accurately reflecting how bad things are getting for him.

Trump is seeing these negative headlines and getting upset about it. But instead of trying to create some good news for himself, Trump has decided to turn it into a conspiracy theory. Without providing any sourcing or evidence, Trump has declared on his social network that “It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose.”

Trump has further decided that this imaginary Google conspiracy constitutes “ILLEGAL ACTIVITY” and that he’s going to seek Google’s “prosecution, at the maximum levels.” So Trump is saying he’s… going to put Google in prison? Does he think “Google” is a person? Or is he talking about putting the whole company in prison? This is just so surreal.

It’s disturbing that a major party presidential nominee is threatening to put the leading search engine in prison for daring to display negative headlines about him. But it’s also quite revealing. Trump is so far gone, he’s not trying to win, or to do anything that could help improve his fortunes. He’s sitting on the couch making up conspiracy theories to explain away why things are falling apart for him. There’s another word for that: surrender.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.