The New York AG just put Ivanka Trump right in the center of the Trump Organization’s Deutsche Bank scandal

Last night New York Attorney General Letitia James formally asked the courts to compel Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. to testify in her civil probe into the Trump Organization. In that filing, James stated that she has “significant evidence” that the three of them falsified asset valuations for loan, insurance, and tax purposes.
Notably, these would be felonies if proven true – and James just happens to also have a Trump criminal case in conjunction with the Manhattan District Attorney. So it seems a given at this point that the three of them will be criminally indicted on charges along the lines of loan, insurance, and tax fraud. But now one key detail in the court filing is jumping off the page.
Various individuals across social media have spotted this in the publicly available text of Letitia James’ court filing, in item #365: “While at the Trump Organization Ivanka Trump, along with Allen Weisselberg, was the primary point of contact for representatives of Deutsche bank.”
This is a big deal because it appears to single out Ivanka Trump as being the member of the Trump family who dealt with Deutsche Bank the most directly – and it’s long been alleged that the Trump Organization’s biggest financial fraud was in relation to its famously sketchy Deutsche Bank loans.
If we all thought Ivanka Trump was on the hot seat last night when the New York Attorney General announced that she has “significant evidence” that Ivanka and her family committed financial fraud, then Ivanka is on a nuclear hot seat if the NY AG views her as having been the most directly responsible for the alleged fraud involving Deutsche Bank.
It’s also notable that the New York AG has mentioned Ivanka Trump and Allen Weisselberg as both as having been directly responsible for the Trump Organization’s dealings with Deutsche Bank. In the related criminal probe led by the New York AG and the Manhattan DA, Weisselberg has already been criminally indicted on separate tax fraud charges. This new filing suggests that Ivanka and Weisselberg could both be indicted for fraudulent asset valuations, with the two of them pitted against each other to see who flips on Donald Trump first. We’ll see.