The new big lie

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By now you know the drill. The polls have their own problems and should always be taken a with a grain of salt โ€“ particularly this far out from the election. But whatever problems the polls have, the media always makes it infinitely worse by solely latching onto the polls that say the most outlandish and thus most ratings-friendly thing, while ignoring all the other polls that say something different.

For instance, since President Biden’s supposedly “disastrous” debate, multiple new polls have said that Biden has gained a little ground. There are also a few polls that say Trump has gained a little ground. On the whole it’s a wash, meaning the debate didn’t have any impact on the election at all โ€“ in spite of the doomsday predictions by the media. The race is still pretty much tied, which isn’t great, but it’s not “doomsday” in any sense of the word.

But now CNN has conveniently released a new poll that claims Trump is six points ahead of Biden. Yes, this is the same CNN that spent the entire debate refusing to confront Trump about a single one of his lies, and got halfway through the debate without bothering to even bring up his status as a recently convicted felon.

It’s not just that CNN, whose credibility is approaching absolute zero, has put out a wacky poll that says something wildly different than what all the other polls are saying. It’s that the entire rest of the media will now latch into this wacky CNN poll in the name of stirring up controversy and chasing ratings, while ignoring the fact that most of the other polls say something different.

As always, the polls have their problems, but the polls aren’t the problem. The real problem is the media’s willingness to lie to you about what the polls are even saying. Meanwhile back in the real world, the polls on the whole say that the debate had no impact. And the race moves forward. Donate to Palmer Report

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