The most telling sign today that Donald Trump is in trouble

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Donald Trump has been having a series of bad days for awhile now. His administration is botching its handling of the coronavirus, and most people know it. The stock market and economy are now teetering, and that’s always bad for an incumbent president. But if you want to know the most telling sign of just how much trouble Trump is in, it came today from Montana of all places.

Montana Governor Steve Bullock, a Democrat, has long been under pressure to run for Senate in 2020 against Republican incumbent Steve Daines. Up to now, Bullock has refused to do it. But today he’s reportedly changed his mind and entered the Senate race. Given the timing, it’s not difficult to figure out why.

If the Democrats were going to have a brutal 2020 presidential primary season, or if they were going to get stuck with a dead-end nominee like Bernie Sanders, then it would have been impossible for a Democrat to win a Senate seat in a red state like Montana. But now it’s becoming clear that Joe Biden is going to be the nominee, and more importantly, we’re now seeing all kinds of Democrats and liberals uniting behind Biden.

This unity – which is too rare on the Democratic side – means that a Democrat like Steve Bullock now has a chance at winning the 2020 Senate race in Montana. Bullock knows it too, which is why he’s now betting his political future on it. And of course if someone like Bullock wins, it means Biden will have also won, which means Trump will be out on his butt in November.

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