The most despised Supreme Court Justice of all

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I want to congratulate Extreme Justice, Clarence Thomas! Yes, Thomas has done something well worth a high-five. Who would have thunk it? Clarence Thomas’s popularity has crashed and burned – in pretty spectacular fashion, too. A new poll is out. This is from USA Today/Ipsos, which is a pretty reliable one overall.

Yes, this poll is about Thomas. They surveyed 1,024 people, and the results? Thomas has a net favorability of negative 15 percentage points. Salutations, Mr. Thomas. This writer offers warm congratulations. This is a 24-point drop for Mr. Thomas. Yes, congratulations are in order.

Only 9% of Democrats approve of Thomas. (I’d like to meet those Democrats.) Independents have a minus 14 points approval of Mr. Thomas. But even republicans, my friends — even they — have changed their opinions with a mere a stunning 33 point approval among republicans.

What’s also rather funny is that ALL the Republican justices have seen their popularity dip—not the liberal justices, though! They enjoy popularity ranging from plus 11 to 16 percentage points. What a bitter pill Thomas has to swallow. But you know, it’s fitting.

Clarence Thomas is nothing more than a corrupt, craven sociopath who, I’m sure, would yank away the rights of women to vote if he thought he could get away with it. He’s a human pit-bull for his wealthy donors, guarding and protecting them instead of protecting the American people as he promised to do when he took his oath. So here we have it! Here stands Clarence Thomas– the most unpopular court justice in America.

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