The morons are getting restless

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Donald John Trump’s fans are beginning to turn against him. After Trump’s latest bat-shit crazy claim that Kamala Harris’s crowds were AI-generated, it seems that was a bridge too far even for some in MAGA land.

“Please fire your disastrous advisors immediately before we lose this election!”

I would tell this particular MAGA — it’s not his advisors. It’s the “man” himself.

“Are you ever going to talk about what you plan on doing if you win?”

Ah — wishful thinking. We see that a lot in politics.

“Please shut the f _____ up and get focused.”

Tough love. A pity it won’t work.

“STFU about the crowd size.”

He can’t.

“You gotta stop screwing this up.” Ah, but if only he could. But what is MAGA to do? The hero, the guy they’ve lost sleep worshiping for almost the last decade, is derailing before their eyes. And it is too late for a new nominee to take his place.


He IS focused. He is focused on Hannibal Lecter. He’s focused on imaginary air flights that never happened. He’s focused on lying about everything and everyone .

“I want you to win but you have got to start hinging back into reality.”

This is a nostalgic fantasy. Donald Trump’s brain is now in a place one would most definitely not describe as reality.

“Talk to the people — don’t talk about her personally.”

You might as well ask him to stop eating McDonald’s cheese burgers.

“They are going to make us look dumb.”
GOING TO? I hate to tell you this, but that ship has LONG sailed.

Donald Trump has reached a low point in his campaign, a moment when he is starting to lose his base. However, hiding out at home, greasy fingers likely smudged in burger wrappers, I am not sure he cares.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.