The Mick Mulvaney madness must be stopped

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

If there is one thing the media needs to stop doing, it’s pretending friends of insurrectionists are friends of the American people. For these people are the worst of the worst — and nobody should ever be allowed to normalize them. Are you listening, CBS? Are you listening, CNN? Stop having Mick Mulvaney on your shows.

I reckon there are a few of you who might, just possibly, agree with me on this one. Mulvaney should never have been hired by CBS, and he shouldn’t be making the rounds on television networks. These networks should refuse to have him.

Mulvaney was complicit. No matter what he says now, the stench of insurrection clings to him. And that makes it impossible to believe a word he says. I understand much in politics. But one thing I will never understand is why some networks persist in hiring people who are as fake as counterfeit bills.

With all the thousands of pundits to hire — why Mulvaney? Why ANYONE former friend or ally of Donald Trump?

It isn’t right. It cheapens the television viewing experience. It makes it tough to believe in or trust the particular network airing the propaganda.

Mulvaney’s latest stunt is to appear on CNN and gravely accuse Liz Cheney of showboating and “political BS.” I believe it is more like the other way around. Liz Cheney is many things, not all of them good, but she is not and never has been a political showboat.

She is thoughtful and measured in her messaging, unlike Mulvaney. Mulvaney reminds me of a used car salesperson who talks too fast, hoping one won’t stop and actually think about his words too much.

I hope people continue to say no to Mulvaney. There is no excuse for the shallow and repeated attempts to make it look like he’s just an average everyday pundit. He is NOT a pundit. He’s a partisan hack who knows where all the Republican bodies are buried, and he is a phony. Just say no to Mick Mulvaney.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer