The media’s bullshit about Biden is completely out of control today

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In an effort to get the media to shut the bleep up, the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign gave the media polling that shows Joe Biden polls better against Trump than Kamala Harris does. This isn’t surprising, giving the historic presidential incumbency advantage. But instead of taking a hint, CBS News went with this disingenuously out of context headline: “Biden’s campaign indirectly admits it’s been polling Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket.” You can’t get any more dishonest than that, right? As it turns out, you can.

A group of New York area donors just gave $2 million to a PAC aimed at electing House Democrats in the most competitive districts. But NBC News cherry picked some names from the list so it could claim that the donation was actually meant to support House Democrats who have come out publicly against Biden.

We’re also seeing the media continue to pretend that there’s some kind of stampede of House and Senate Democrats coming out against Biden. In reality only about 5% of House Democrats have come out against Biden, and only one Senate Democrat has come out against Biden. The media is simply ignoring the fact that 95% of House Democrats, and 98% of Senate Democrats, are still with Biden.

This all just keeps getting stupider. The media is completely out of its mind today trying to milk this manufactured non-story for whatever remaining ratings it can get out of it. The whole political journalism industry has seemingly gone full National Enquirer, and it’s disgusting. We’re not going to take it lying down. Support Palmer Report

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