The media is at war with itself

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From all the doom and gloom talk, one would think that Democrats were at each other’s throats! Not true. However, there IS one group of people who have gone to war — against themselves. That is the media. While the media has been crashing and burning like bunches of dud fireworks, they ALSO have been at war — against themselves.

Let’s look at what the media certainly does NOT want you to see. First, everyone is piling on Jake Tapper for his effusive and non-stop gushing praise of the RNC convention. Tapper has gone to such extremes to give the devil his due; I am sort of surprised he hasn’t come out sporting a MAGA hat yet,

Then there’s Keith Olbermann. You remember him, right? The former MSNBC star has called for CNN to fire Van Jones, who has also not stopped gushing with praise for the MAGA movement. It’s a gushing machine. Instead of the fountain of youth, we have here the fountain of TV pundits who have suddenly turned into MAGA groups.

Then there is Jake Tapper again. This time, HE is the one ripping into other journalists — specifically for not bothering to attend the RNC convention. Tapper is ripping into MSNBC pundits who were not there live. Apparently, in Tapper’s world, that’s all that matters.

“We’re here live,” the tousled-hair corporate darling piped up. “Some other networks just have a big LED.” Tapper said that after being thanked by little Marco Rubio for showing up. Tapper’s ego must have swelled big. A Republican noticed him! So yes, the media is at war with itself, (trying) to outwit each other, shit-posting on Twitter about each other, and, in general, acting like idiots. Perhaps THEY need cognitive tests. Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.

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