The media has decided to join Trump on fantasy island

With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

It’s crunch time! That means working harder than ever, phone banking, donating, tweeting, door-knocking, and sending postcards. You should also make a plan to vote, tell your family and friends to make a plan to vote, and last but certainly not least, tune out the stupidity.

Yeah, it’s stupidity. Our old trick-or-treaters are back, and their motto is definitely “Tricks, not treats.” Media TV pundits. “Personalities” who like to hear themselves talk on social media. Radio pundits. These people are launching one last general election trick — trying to make the Democrats crazy.

I mean, even this writer’s jaw has dropped many times over the vicious misinformation some are spewing, the dumb excuses that they are giving as to why Trump will win, the utter banality of the sickening sycophants, whose loyalty is to one thing and one thing only — ratings and clicks.

Allow me to list a few of the more absurd things these creatures from the media lagoon are saying.

“Losing (insert any voting group in here).” Seriously. Males, females, young voters, old voters, Latino voters, White voters, it doesn’t matter; WHAT group of voters it is , according to some, Kamala Harris, is losing these voters, and oh, how we should worry!

We should throw on our coats, shiver, and shake up to the election because big, bad Donald is about to come in and win in a landslide!! Oh nooooooooo…..Democrats are in disarray! Misinformation. falsities. Garbage. Garbage in, garbage out.

Now allow me to tell you what ONE thing was the MOST absurd, said by a pundit or two, that actually made this writer collapse in a heap of uncontrollable giggles. Ready? Are you ready? Kamala might not win, since she said she owns a gun, and Democrats hate guns, so this might cause some Democrats to rethink voting for her.

I mean — see it, please. See the desperation. Gosh but they’re reaching. They are doing CONTORTIONS here to try to make us as miserable and anxious as possible. This particular statement was so stupid and so unintentionally hilarious that it actually gave me a good, long laugh—a wholly satisfying guffaw.

As Bill Palmer has repeatedly said — ignore them. They ALWAYS do this. Remember 2020, my friends. Remember 2022, dear readers. They are genuine ghouls, and as we approach the final stretch, the work we are doing is going to pay off dividends — no matter what nonsense the ghoulish media spews.

Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!