The media finally just admitted that Donald Trump is senile
For quite some time now Palmer Report has been documenting Donald Trump’s worsening senility, and asking when the mainstream media was finally going to start covering the topic. It turns out that answer is “today.”
MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace – who spends too much time doing doomsday stuff on slow news days but is highly insightful when she wants to be – did an entire segment today on Trump’s worsening cognitive abilities. This is overdue but fantastic to see.
This is also likely to set off a cascading effect. The vast majority of print journalists, online journalists, and Twitter pundits on our side of the political fence are merely parroting whatever they hear on MSNBC each week, in the hope it’ll get them booked on MSNBC this week. Now that a popular MSNBC host is finally talking bout Trump’s senility, the rest of the political journalism and analysis industry is likely to start talking about Trump’s senility as well. The entire industry is fundamentally broken in that way, but in this instance it may work in our favor.
I am concerned that a lot of the upcoming media coverage will be doomsday nonsense along the lines of “Trump is senile but he’s going to win in 2024 anyway, so let’s all lament about how awful that’ll be.” When the media spends a long time ignoring an obvious story like Trump’s senility, it’s because it’s afraid the story would be bad for ratings (how can they hype Trump for 2024 if they admit in 2023 that he’s gone senile?). And when the media does belatedly embrace such a story, it’s often only because they’ve finally reached a point where they think they can turn it into a doomsday narrative for ratings. So yes, get ready for a lot of folks in the media to tell us (with a straight face) that Trump’s senility is somehow a bad thing for our side.
But that’s a secondary concern. What matters is that the media is finally starting to admit that Donald Trump is senile. This is the one thing that can finish Trump off before his criminal trials even can. His base won’t care that he’s senile. But this has never been about his base. They’ve always been far too small a group to make any difference in elections. Trump’s ongoing political relevance only comes from the fact that average mainstream Americans – love him or hate him – are under the impression that Trump will still be viable by 2024. If the media properly educates average mainstream Americans on the fact that Trump is senile, they’re going to figure out that he won’t be viable for 2024, which means his political relevance will be over.
There’s still no excuse for the fact that the entire mainstream media has spent the past three years willfully ignoring Donald Trump’s long-worsening senility. The media spent all that time fictionally building him up as being more dangerously powerful than ever, even as his occasional public appearances made clear that his mind was fading badly. We should have been seeing mainstream media headlines about Trump’s worsening senility since January of 2021. But better late than never.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report