The Kim Jong Un saga has taken another strange turn tonight
On Monday, CNN reported that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was in grave danger after some type of surgery. Since that time, as one would expect from the North Korean regime, very little additional information or confirmation has surfaced. But tonight we’re seeing some major movement on that front, and it’s gotten even more surreal.
Reuters is reporting that China has dispatched doctors to North Korea. It’s not saying why this is happening, but it sounds to us like Kim’s health has collapsed to the point that his own doctors don’t think they can save him. At the same time, the International Business Times is reporting that a Chinese government-controlled news outlet now thinks Kim has died.
It’s possible that both these reports are true. China could have dispatched doctors to North Korea who either arrived too late or were unable to save Kim when they got there. Of course when dealing with regimes like the ones in China and North Korea, it’s difficult to figure out what to believe.
Here’s one important thing to consider. These reports of Kim Jong Un being near death make him look weak. In fact these reports make him weak, whether he’s ill or not, because his perceived illness makes him vulnerable to palace intrigue or outside attack. If Kim were able to get in front of a TV camera right now and prove that he’s in good shape, it’s nearly a given that he’d be doing it, if only to send a signal to would-be aggressors. The logical conclusion is that, at the least, he’s in bad enough shape that he can’t fake it in front of a camera. As to whether he’s alive or dead, well, it’ll come out eventually.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report