The joke’s on Trump

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You know it’s funny. Donald Trump’s perhaps the biggest grifter on earth. He likes to think of himself as complex, but in reality, Trump is pathetically simple, perhaps the most simple person one ‘s ever seen. Trump’s personality is no puzzle. He’s easy to understand. Butter him up; you get his approval. Disagree with him on ANYTHING at all, and he hates you. That is not complexity. That is malignant narcissism.

But Donald Trump’s narcissism is coupled with a lack of intelligence. In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to say that Donald Trump is not very bright. He’s as dumb as a door-nail. He is unschooled in politics and not well-read since he doesn’t read; Donald Trump’s level of discourse is perhaps at the second-grade level. So, we do not have a CLEVER narcissist. What we have is a rampantly stupid one.

Now — over in the Kremlin, yet another sociopath lurks. This man is Putin. Putin is also made of ice in the soul department. However, he does have one feature that Donald Trump will never have. Intelligence. Putin is a different breed. He’s very bright. His intelligence is matched only by his ruthlessness and shrewdness.

Trump is busily planning a meet-cute with his idol, Putin. On Thursday, he said that a meeting was being arranged. So — the meeting of two deranged psychopaths. A meeting that Trump will walk out of as a loser. Trump’s far too unschooled and lacking in street smarts to understand the chess game here. Putin is playing him for a fool. He doesn’t know it.

Putin never does anything by chance. If he is meeting with Trump, it’s because he wants something. He looks at Donnie Boy like a farmer would cooly survive his livestock, measuring quality, usefulness, and worth. Putin is a murderer, a cold and lawless one who is fully aware of how little Donnie worships him, wants to be like him, wants to merge with him, and wants, in fact, to BE him.

Putin will use this as a template to guide Donnie in the direction he wishes to take him. Meanwhile, Donnie-boy is likely feeling smug that Putin wants to meet with him, not understanding that he is nothing more than a useful idiot, ripe for the taking, to be tossed aside like a rotted apple when the time is right.

“President Putin wants to meet!” Listen to him! How excited Donnie sounds! If he were to dance a jig at the mere thought of his Putin powwow, this writer would not be surprised. But Putin’s evil is the solar system, and Trump is for Putin, a tiny dot in that system. One suspects that Putin rarely thinks of Donald Trump except when thinking about what he can get from him.

If this meeting happens, Donnie will sit there, happily blabbing away, giving up ALL his secrets to a murderer., a madman, who will nod his head, pretending to LIKE Donnie, to be his friend, all the while secretly shaking with mirth at the groveling asshole who has no idea that the joke’s on him.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.