The joke’s on them

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Have you ever met a misogynist? I have. I’ve met more than one. There is a misogynist on Fox News now. There is more than one, but for the purpose of this article, this writer is choosing to focus on just ONE of the said misogynists. Greg Gutfeld.

Gutfeld’s rhetoric is getting increasingly unhinged. Lately, his topic has been “alpha males.” A real man, this vulgar and unmanly pipsqueak declared would NEVER vote for Kamala Harris. He says you’re not a real man if you do.

This twisted strategy is clearly being done to shame all the “non-men” that Gutfeld hopes to turn around. Other Republicans are echoing this strategy. Suddenly, real men are all the talk. Only this strategy is doomed. Dear readers, it was doomed before it even became began. I’ll tell you why.

Real men will not be moved simply BECAUSE they’re real men. Real men—the truest, most real, most authentic men —cannot be moved by being scolded. They will not change their stances. They can’t be cowed by non-men, and they cannot be intimidated by tiny little runts who do not have the slightest idea what a man is.

But the real men of OUR nation are heroic and humble and exist in blue, red, and purple states.

They are sons, brothers, dads, husbands, lovers, and friends. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, yet their souls are always solid gold.

They nurture women, provide sustenance, and cherish the ones they love. They can recognize good policy from bad policy, honest candidates from liars, and peaceful power transfers from insurrections. These men are everywhere. Some of you reading this right now are examples of this type of man.

They can’t be bought or broken or intimated. But of course, those who are NOT real men, who are babies like Gutfeld, do not know this because they never got the memo on kindness and human decency.

So the joke is, my friends, on them. So let them spout off on real men. Because we know as that these men – laugh at them and then go to vote — for Kamala Harris.

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