The January 6th Committee has some decisions to make

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The January 6 committee has some decisions to make. Will they subpoena some of their own? This is what everybody seems to be talking about these days. Will the committee subpoena Jim Jordan? How about Kevin McCarthy? I believe they will. I think they may wait for a bit. But I’ve no doubt these committee members see clearly through the bullshit, and they have no intention of letting the cowards off the hook.

Liz Cheney knows McCarthy doesn’t want to cooperate, and she thinks he is, according to Cheney herself — “clearly trying to cover up what happened.” I do not expect any of the Republicans, especially McCarthy, to change their minds. They answer only to one monster, and its name is assolini.

They operate purely out of an ongoing wave of terror that they could be laughed at, humiliated, or run out of the party any moment by said monster. These are the folks who want to run our country. In a desperate attempt to coddle up to his royal failure, McCarthy called the January 6 committee “illegitimate” and said he had no information to give.

Of course, we all know that’s not true. But Kevin, his eyes firmly on the Speakership and the figure of a (man?) whose ring he must kiss to get anywhere at all in life, is continuing his frantic pandering. It isn’t going to work, which is why McCarthy is such a lousy politician. He can’t see the writing on the wall even when the writing is literally right in front of him.

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