The GOP sure is getting nervous

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One non-political party appears to be getting nervous. This is, of course, the party of nothing — the GOP. It would seem the Republican party is not sure they can pull off a win in 2024. How do I know this? Because it seems the Republicans might want to cut off whoever their Presidential nominee is from any contact with the general public. This is a winning strategy for sure!

Ronna McDaniel, chair of the party, is now threatening the presidential debate commission with the possibility of pulling any potential GOP candidate out of debates — unless the commission makes changes.

Although this news would appear at first to be something of a surprise when one stops and considers some of the pitful candidates on the GOP side, it does make sense. McDaniel sent a letter in which she demanded the committee make some significant changes. In said letter, Ronna says that the commission has “a duty to ensure that its future presidential nominees have the opportunity to debate their opponents on a level playing field.”

Let’s talk about this. I have no idea who the party of nothing will put forth as their nominee, but I know that hiding said nominee from the American people is not exactly a strategy that makes sense.

My feeling is the Republican party is embarrassed. They’re embarrassed because they have no platform. I suppose it WOULD be hard to debate if one has nothing to debate about. I mean — logically, this future Republican candidate cannot spend the whole debate time talking about Mr. potato head, although I am sure Republicans would like this strategy.

The committee is also an independent entity. They do not exist to put lollipops in the mouths of Republican infants who have no ideas except to throw temper tantrums. If the GOP does not want to debate, that’s great news for us.

One of the demands of the GOP is clearer criteria in picking the debate moderators. You see where THAT is going, I’m sure. The GOP is most likely foaming at the mouth to get their very own Tucker Carlson in as a moderator. Only that will not happen. In fact, I’d be shocked if any Fox pundits were picked. The GOP is unhappy with the committee BECAUSE they’re fair — and they’re going to that way.

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