The GOP is hastening its own demise

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There is no longer anything “grand” about the GOP. This fading daguerreotype of Abraham Lincoln continues to shrink in size, moral stature, and even the ability to pursue clear and consistent policies. As Democrats are now proving to be effective leaders and healers during this critical time in American history, Republicans are quietly embracing a new way of humiliating themselves.

Rather than attempt to hold fast to principled dissent, Republicans are increasingly trying to have it both ways. First, they try to impede progress while endangering American lives. When that fails, they then try to pretend it didn’t happen, even bizarrely claiming credit for the very thing they were yelling and screaming about.

Speaking to the press on Tuesday before the passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi remarked, “It’s hard for us to understand how the Republicans can vote against this bill because it has such an impact on their constituents.” After pointing out the hypocrisy of how Republicans voted for similar measures under Donald Trump, Pelosi then made an insightful prediction.

“And I might say for our Republican colleagues who—they say no to the vote, and they show up at the ribbon-cuttings or the presentations,” Pelosi began. “That’s unfortunate… they’ll take some credit for it in their districts.” Sure enough, Republicans wasted no time proving Pelosi’s prediction to be spot on.

Republican Sen. Roger Wicker is leading the way, applauding Congress for approving a $28.6 billion grant program for the restaurant and bar industry as part of the $1.9 trillion ARP relief. Wicker may deserve credit, along with Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, for introducing that funding as an amendment. However, Wicker joined his obstructionist party in unanimously voting against the ARP, vaguely criticizing it as “poorly targeted spending.”

It’s no surprise that Republicans would love their constituents to associate the ARP with them. Polls have shown the ARP with an approval rating of up to 75%, with even 41% of self-identified Republicans willing to admit the ARP is good legislation, according to a Pew poll. DNC Chair Jaime Harrison slammed Wicker for taking credit for what he voted against. “Seriously? Seriously?! Ya’ll have no damn shame!” Harrison tweeted, adding “Sorry, but that dog won’t hunt!”

Trump is also trying to take credit for much of the good that is beginning to blossom in many ways across our land thanks to the Democrats. On Wednesday, Trump issued a pathetic, racist tweet-like statement saying “I hope everyone remembers” that if it weren’t for him, the “COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine” would be delayed at least five years.

What we remember is the incredible damage Trump and his Republican minions have inflicted on our country. There’s a reason this insurrectionist man-child is glaringly absent from the new public service announcement of living Presidents urging the public to get vaccinated. As long as the GOP insists on rewriting history and taking credit for Democratic victories, they will hasten their own demise.

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