The gathering of the Trump psychos

Imagine a public meeting between some very famous people. The people at this meeting include: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Nero, Genghis Khan, and Saddam Hussein, to name a few. What do YOU think would happen? The answer, of course, is bloody mayhem — and terror — and death.
And that is exactly what happened leading up to January 6. It happened in part because of the bringing together of various groups — groups well acquainted in wickedness. Nothing was spontaneous that day. That is what this hearing is showing us. Absolutely nothing “just happened.”
A whole lot of planning went into all of this. We see it. We hear it. We know it. And even the “innocent” walk to the Capitol was pre-planned. Everything was planned. They all knew. And they WANTED it. They appeared to truly want bloodshed. There is no way to think anything else.
The committee and the work put into the gathering of this plethora of information is mind-boggling. The committee is doing an amazing job, and ANYONE who complains they aren’t needs to have their head examined. And it all started — it all began — with Trump. Trump and his tweets.
Trump used Twitter as he uses every person he comes in contact with. He used it to design a gathering — a gathering of radicals, of extremists, of people who knew only one way to fight — with violence. It was the gathering of the psychos. It was Trump’s deadly gathering that he PLANNED, NURTURED, AND MOVED ALONG. Lock them up — lock up each and every one of them.